Representative Angie Craig Delivers Remarks in Support of Ethics and Elections Reform Package

Press Release

Date: March 3, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Yesterday, U.S. Representative Angie Craig delivered a speech on the House floor in support of H.R. 1, the For the People Act. The comprehensive democratic reform legislation would expand the right to vote, preserve the integrity of our elections, crack down on special interests in Washington and shine a light on the influence of dark money in American politics.

Craig secured the inclusion of a resolution banning Members of Congress from serving on the boards of for-profit entities as part of the package. She has also introduced additional reform legislation, the HUMBLE Act, which would prevent members of Congress from serving as lobbyists after they leave government service and from owning individual stocks while in office.

"It's long past time that Congress brought a little more Minnesota common sense to America -- and clean and fair elections," Craig said. "And that's exactly what this bill will accomplish -- by expanding voting rights, ending the dominance of dark money in our politics and finally addressing partisan gerrymandering."
