Slotkin Calls for Bipartisan, 9/11 Commission-Style Review into Capitol Attack

Press Release

Date: March 9, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Elissa Slotkin (MI-08) released the following statement after yesterday's briefing on Capitol Security in the aftermath of the January 6 attack:

"I appreciate General Honoré's diligent work in reviewing the security failings that allowed the January 6 attack to take place as well as the initial recommendations his team has made. This attack was a dark day in our nation's history, and we can never again allow such events to occur at the United States Capitol.

"While the release of yesterday's report is an important first step in this process, General Honoré's briefing reinforced my belief that we need a serious, 9/11-style commission to investigate the events of January 6. The two great commissions of my adult life ---- the 9/11 Commission and the WMD Commission that looked at the failed intelligence that led to our war in Iraq ---- are a good model for how to frame this new commission. I keep my original, dog-eared copies of both reports in my congressional office because they drove systemic change where systemic failures had occurred. As one of the first dozen staff members at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which grew out of the 9/11 Commission's recommendations, I believe that just like those two commissions, a January 6 commission must be strictly bipartisan, objective and independent. To do their work properly, the commission also needs subpoena power, an adequate budget, and a professional staff.

"What characterized the 9/11 Commission's work was a commitment among its members to work together in good faith, to uncover the truth behind what led to the attack on our nation and to objectively present it in service to the American people. Its findings and work were seen as objective and legitimate because of that combination of structure and good faith commitment ---- this model only works if we have both. As we learn more about the leadership's proposal, I support efforts to ensure that it meets both of those standards, by design.

"And just as the 9/11 Commission had the mandate to look at the full scope of what led to that attack, so, too, must Congress empower a January 6 Commission. As those of us from Michigan are well aware, this attack didn't happen in isolation. It was the result of months, if not years, of escalating rhetoric and activity, and any effort to understand what happened needs to look at the whole picture.

"The goal of a January 6 Commission is to inform the American public on what led to that attack. The goal is to bring the American public along with us, even if there are results that are hard to face. I appreciate General Honoré's good start but look forward to the urgent stand-up of a significant, bipartisan commission that will help us understand and learn from this disturbing chapter."
