Slotkin Statement on Reported Request for Extension of National Guard Presence at the U.S. Capitol

Press Release

Date: March 4, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Elissa Slotkin (MI-08) issued the following statement in response to reports that the U.S. Capitol Police have requested an extension of the National Guard's presence at the Capitol complex:

"I am hearing from contacts at the National Guard that the U.S. Capitol Police have asked for a 60-day extension of the Guard's mission in and around the Capitol, and that the Guard is soliciting states to send contributions. The current mission is scheduled to end on March 12, and the Michigan National Guard, along with many others, will get to return home.

"No one likes seeing the fortress-like security around the Capitol. And no one wants to again have a security problem in and around this symbolic place. But whether an extension has been requested or the mission is indeed terminating on March 12, it's critical that members of Congress get a briefing on what's behind these decisions.

"We all have the same goal: to get back to the point where Capitol Police is capable of protecting us without the Guard's help, and all parties feel confident we can protect the people's business."
