Mace Opposes Democrats' Effort to Nationalize Elections


Date: March 3, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Nancy Mace (SC-01) issued the following statement Wednesday after voting against H.R. 1, the Democrats' bill to nationalize American elections:

"The "For the Politicians Act' was a bad bill when it was introduced two years ago, and it hasn't gotten better with age. If passed, H.R. 1 will:

Force every single taxpayer to fund politicians' election campaigns with their hard-earned tax dollars, regardless of whether they support them or not
Legalize ballot harvesting nationwide
Toss out state voter ID laws
"Speaker Pelosi has labeled this the "For the People' Act, but it is anything but. Instead, this bill makes it easier for politicians to hold onto power and silence people they dislike. I would love to work with Democrats on real election reform--there's a lot to be done to secure and modernize our elections. But this isn't reform, it's an attempt to strip power from states and allow Washington to dictate South Carolina's elections."
