Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2021

Floor Speech

Date: March 18, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. HICE of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I thank the gentleman from California for yielding.

It is stunning to me that we are still wrestling through these type of issues. We have been watching over the last few months one radical piece of legislation after another and our country is beginning to suffer. We are watching gas prices go up, skyrocketing. We are still shutting businesses down. We are still seeing schools closed. We are watching our energy independence be reversed.

Madam Speaker, it is one horrible bill, one horrible policy after another. And now we are watching a catastrophe on our southern border, and my friends on the other side of the aisle appear to not care what is happening at the southern border.

We haven't honestly called it for what it is: a disaster.

We are not willing to look at the national security issues of it. We are not willing to look at the danger that is occurring, the cartels, the human trafficking, the drug trafficking, the criminals who, perhaps, are coming across our border, the terrorists who may be coming across our border.

And now what are we doing?

We are looking at another outrageous piece of legislation that says: if you come work on a farm, we are going to give you amnesty. It doesn't matter what your background. It doesn't matter who you are.

At the same time, we even have here around Capitol Hill fences guarding us, guarding the American people from the people's House, but we are going to open up our borders for who knows who to come marching through.

Now we have a piece of legislation that says: just come work on a farm and we are going to give you amnesty.

Madam Speaker, 1.5 million people are going to become citizens for working minimal time on farms.

This is going to shield criminals. They are just going to come across the border, claim amnesty, come work on a farm, and before long, they are legal citizens here.

We don't know who these people are. We don't know what their intentions are, but we are going to grant them amnesty through this bill. It is nonsense. It is frightening. It is irresponsible. It is endangering American lives. It is encouraging even more disaster and danger on our southern border.

It makes absolutely zero sense for us to proceed with this type of irresponsible legislation, and I urge my colleagues to vote against this.

