Hastings Joins Resolution To Establish March 1 as COVID-19 Victims and Memorial Day

Press Release

Date: March 3, 2021
Location: Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL) released the following statement after joining a resolution to recognize March 1 as COVID-19 Victims and Survivors Memorial Day. The resolution will memorialize those lost to the COVID-19 pandemic, recognize the suffering of those who contracted the COVID-19 virus and survived, but carry with them the unknown health side effects, and express support for the designation of COVID-19 Victims and Survivors Memorial Day:

"The American people have been enduring unfathomable hardships since COVID-19 was initially detected in the United States. Since March 2020, communities in every state have experienced increased loss of life as families have lost parents, siblings, cousins, friends, and neighbors, due to the coronavirus. Many American families continue to be personally impacted by the virus including mourning their loved ones or suffering from the virus themselves, while navigating the long-term health implications caused by COVID-19. Unfortunately, the United States reached a grave milestone at the end of February 2021, as the country mourned 500,000 lives tragically lost due to the coronavirus.
"Today, I proudly joined my colleague Congressman Greg Stanton in support of his resolution to ensure that each individual life lost to COVID-19 will be remembered. In establishing March 1 as COVID-19 Victims and Memorial Day, their memory will be sealed into the fabric of this country, never to be forgotten."
