Rep. Austin Scott on ITC Ruling Not to Address Foreign Blueberry Imports that Harm Domestic Industry

Press Release

Date: Feb. 11, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Austin Scott (GA-08), a senior member of the House Agriculture Committee, released the below statement upon the U.S. International Trade Commission's (USITC) determination in the global safeguard investigation into imports of fresh, chilled or frozen blueberries.

"It is no secret that American fruit and vegetable growers have been reeling from the negative impacts of foreign imports, including blueberry growers. I'm very disappointed and surprised to see ITC rule that increased foreign imports of blueberries have not caused injury to the domestic industry while, in many cases, the situation is so bad that it isn't economical for U.S. growers to even harvest their blueberry crop. I will continue to press for a remedy to level the playing field for American blueberry growers. We cannot continue to allow the volume of foreign imports that devastate our domestic industry," said Rep. Scott.

In January, Rep. Scott joined several other Members of Congress, the state Agriculture Commissioners of Georgia and Florida, and blueberry producers in support of protections for the U.S. blueberry industry during a virtual hearing before the USITC. Click here to read more. This virtual hearing was the result of Rep. Scott receiving a commitment from then-United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer after concerns were raised during consideration of the United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA). Click here to read more.

On December 11, Rep. Scott and Rep. Al Lawson (D-FL-05) led several of their colleagues in sending a letter to the USITC voicing support for the Section 201 investigation. In addition to the cosigners, the letter was also supported by the American Blueberry Growers Association and the American Farm Bureau Federation. Click here to read the letter.

You can click here to read more on USITC's determination.
