Help for San Bernardino County

Floor Speech


Mr. AGUILAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on behalf of the Inland Empire of Southern California, the region that my family has called home for generations.

In my community and around this country people are hurting.

Businesses are struggling to keep their doors open. Families are wondering where their kids' next meal is going to come from, and our healthcare system is being pushed to the brink of failure.

Our communities are hurting, and they are wondering if people they sent to Washington to represent them are going to do anything about it. We need relief, and it can't come soon enough.

The American Rescue Plan represents real, tangible relief for our communities.

This bill will bring more than $600 million into my community of San Bernardino County to help protect first responders, teachers, and other essential workers.

It will give small businesses the access to funding they need to stay open and to put money in people's pockets to help them make ends meet.

It will help crush the virus by expanding vaccine distribution and access.

And it will give our schools the resources they need to safely reopen and put kids in the classroom.

This is a unique moment in American history, and this legislation provides bold solutions that this moment calls for.

