Americans Want to Be Rescued Now

Floor Speech

Date: March 8, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. NORTON. Madam Speaker, with final passage of President Biden's American Rescue Plan expected tomorrow, the priorities I pressed for, including $1,400 in direct payments per person and $26 billion in rental assistance makes the Rescue Plan live up to its name.

The rescue extends to the District of Columbia, which retrieves $755 million taken from the District when Republicans treated the District as a territory in the CARES Act. Instead, the new bill treats D.C. as a State as usual because D.C. residents pay full Federal taxes, and it funds D.C. for city, State, and county levels because D.C. provides services at all three levels.

This bill resisted the Republican plan for less money because the American people want to be rescued now, not later. The American Rescue Plan Act will hasten doing our business together again on this House floor and getting the American people back to business and to school.

