Bustos to Co-Chair Bipartisan Congressional Chemistry Caucus

Press Release

Date: Feb. 2, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (D-IL) announced that she will co-chair the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Chemistry Caucus in the House with Congressman John Moolenaar (R-MI).

"From the nutrients farmers feed their crops to the paint and coating manufacturers use on our tractors, chemistry is fundamental to our way of life in Northwestern and Central Illinois," said Congresswoman Bustos. "American industry would not be what it is today without the advances in chemistry that helped us make strides along the way. I am proud to join the Chemistry Caucus as a co-chair and look forward to working with my fellow co-chairs to continue to educate and advocate for the critical role that chemistry plays in the American economy."

"I am excited to welcome Congresswoman Bustos as the new co-chair of the Chemistry Caucus," said Congressman Moolenaar. "This past year has shown us once again how chemistry and science are vital to the future of our world and I am heartened by the new interest so many young people have shown in becoming the chemists and scientists of the future. We've also seen how private industry stepped up to meet the challenges of the past year and I am thankful for everyone who made hand sanitizer, produced PPE, and donated to those in need during these difficult times. Chemistry creates good-paying jobs for hundreds of thousands of Americans and it is crucial to ensuring our nation maintains its status as a world leader in research and innovation."

"We thank Congresswoman Bustos for taking on the role as the new co-chair of Chemistry Caucus," said Chris Jahn, President and CEO of the American Chemistry Council. "We greatly appreciate the support and direction that Congressman Lipinski provided during his tenure, and we are confident the caucus will continue to grow stronger under Congresswoman Bustos' leadership. The Chemistry Caucus provides a dynamic forum to discuss how science can help tackle some of our country's most pressing and important challenges. Chemistry is essential to our economy and plays a vital role in the creation of ground-breaking products that make our lives and our world healthier, safer, more sustainable and more productive. Working with Congresswoman Bustos and the other members of the caucus we will continue to harness the innovative power of chemistry to help defeat COVID-19, combat climate change and rebuild our country's infrastructure and economy."

"The National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) is delighted to welcome Congresswoman Cheri Bustos as the Democratic co-chair of the Congressional Chemistry Caucus," said Eric Byer, President and CEO of the National Association of Chemical Distributors. "In the past year, we've been reminded just how critical chemistry is to our lives, delivering the sterilizers needed for medical equipment, hand sanitizer, and personal protective equipment to get us through the pandemic and the groundbreaking vaccines and treatments that will help us recover while providing good-paying jobs as the chemical industry sustained essential operations throughout the pandemic. With the leadership of Republican co-chair Congressman John Moolenaar and Congresswoman Bustos, chemical distributors look forward to working with the caucus to find bipartisan solutions to ensure the continued vitality of the chemical and chemical distribution industries."

"ACS looks forward to working with Congressman Moolenaar and Congresswoman Bustos to expand the Chemistry Caucus, support STEM education and ensure robust growth in the chemistry research enterprise," said Glenn S. Ruskin, Vice President of External Affairs & Communications for the American Chemical Society.

The Chemistry Caucus was founded in the House in 2016 and it serves as an informal group of 50 members who are interested in the transformative science of chemistry. The mission of the caucus is to educate Members of Congress and the public about the benefits of chemistry in today's society and the importance of sound science in public policy. The caucus also works to promote interest in STEM education and encourages today's students to become the chemists of tomorrow. In the Senate, the caucus is co-chaired by Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Chris Coons (D-DE), Steve Daines (R-MT), and Gary Peters (D-MI).
