Wexler: GOP Budget Bill Shameful

Date: Feb. 2, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Wexler: GOP Budget Bill Shameful

Pharmaceutical Companies to Reap the Benefits of Irresponsible Legislation

(Washington, D.C.) Today, Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) opposed the GOP Budget Reconciliation Conference Report, which passed the House of Representatives by a vote 216 to 214. The Republican legislation slashes the Medicaid budget by $6.9 billion over 5 years and $28.3 billion over 10 years. These cuts will directly affect low-income children, seniors and people with disabilities by increasing their out-of -pocket costs - forcing many to forgo needed medical treatments.

In the conference report, several constructive provisions were altered, which would have saved the Medicaid program and American taxpayers significant money; instead Republicans are providing a $42 billion windfall to the pharmaceutical and managed care industries. In addition, a disastrous provision was added to the conference report that substantially changes the way generic drugs are reimbursed under the Medicaid program, which was intended to save the money. However, the provision does exactly the opposite by creating a perverse incentive for pharmacists to dispense name brand drugs at a much higher price than their generic alternatives, which are much more affordable to low-income beneficiaries. This unconscionable proposal could cost the Medicaid program $3 billion a year.

"GOP leaders in Congress have decided that they would rather sellout Medicaid beneficiaries, so that their cronies in the pharmaceutical industry can make a fast buck. I find these tactics utterly shameful. How can anyone stand behind a provision that calls for more expensive drugs to be sold to the very people who need relief the most? No person should ever be faced with the dilemma of having to choose between their medication or food in order to survive. It was the GOP leadership who -- in the dead of night without any accountability -- passed the disastrous prescription drug plan; and once again they have passed legislation that includes a hidden provision that will cause millions of low-income Americans grave harm," Wexler said.

