Congressman Steven Horsford Releases Statement on House Passage of the Equality Act


Today, Congressman Steven Horsford voted for the passage of the Equality Act, landmark legislation he co-sponsored to extend key anti-discrimination protections to the LGBTQ+ community.

"Every American deserves to live free of discrimination and fear. With the bipartisan passage of the Equality Act, the House of Representatives has again sent a powerful message of belonging and respect to millions in the LGBTQ+ community," said Congressman Steven Horsford. "I'm deeply proud to have worked for for today's victory, and I hope my colleagues in the Senate will move quickly to pass the Equality Act and send the bill to President Biden to ensure all Americans are treated equally under the law, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity."

"With today's passage of the Equality Act, the people's House has sent a loud message that we will not tolerate anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination anywhere -- not at work or school, and not at a restaurant or when buying a home," said Silver State Equality State Director André C. Wade. "LGBTQ+ Nevadans are fortunate to have strong civil rights protections, but too many Americans live their lives in fear of discrimination, harassment and refusal of services just for being their authentic selves. We are grateful to Congressman Horsford -- along with Representatives Susie Lee and Dina Titus -- for representing Nevada's values and making an historic vote."

"Today's vote is a major milestone for equality, bringing us closer to ensuring that every person is treated equally under the law," said Human Rights Campaign Nevada State Director Bridget Sharpe. "The Equality Act has broad support from 83% of voters, hundreds of elected officials, and an unprecedented number of businesses who believe that not only is achieving equality the right thing to do, it is a unifying issue for our nation. The Human Rights Campaign thanks Congressman Steven Horsford and all members of Congress who voted to pass the Equality Act for their commitment to advancing this legislation on behalf of all Americans. Now, the ball is in the Senate's court to pass the Equality Act and finally allow LGBTQ Americans the ability to live their lives free from discrimination."

As Majority Leader of the Nevada State Senate, Congressman Horsford led the 2011 passage of Nevada's Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which barred employers from discriminating against LGBTQ+ Nevadans. Last year, the Supreme Court expanded these protections nationwide in a 6-3 decision that drew support from the liberal and conservative wings of the bench.

Despite this progress, dozens of states still allow LGBTQ+ people to be denied housing, education, and the right to serve on a jury.

The Equality Act would amend existing federal civil rights law to clearly ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, education, housing, credit, jury service, public accommodations, and federal funding. The legislation was passed in 2019 with a bipartisan majority, but blocked in the Republican-controlled Senate. President Joe Biden has made passing the Equality Act a core component of his civil rights platform.
