Providing for Consideration of H.R. Colorado Wilderness Act of and Providing for Consideration of H.R. Equality Act

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 24, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the gentlewoman's courtesy and her careful, thoughtful explanation of what we are doing.

I strongly support the Equality Act, extending civil rights protections to all citizens. I have been honored to be a part of this process throughout my political career, dating back as a child legislator in the 1970s in county government, in city government in Oregon, and for the last 25 years here in Congress.

The arguments that we are hearing have been heard before. The same sort of hysterical concerns have proven not to be the case. Wild claims have been proven wrong; and especially I think of marriage equality as the most compelling. Each reform, each step of the way, has been for progress, and equality was positive, and ultimately supported by the public, as is the Equality Act. The wild claims have been proven groundless.

At the end of the day, one of the reasons is that Americans are biased in favor of fairness and equality. Another important reason, as alluded to by my friend from Pennsylvania, is personal experience. There was fear and misapprehension, but as people became experienced with a family member who married, a transgender child, when you deal with the reality of real people, what we find is that they are people like everybody else, and we do not want their lives to be turned upside down.

I come from a State where by and large these protections are in place, but they aren't in place for everybody everywhere, and we have an opportunity to make additional progress. One of the reasons that we have seen this progress take place is the advocacy of those in the LGBT community who have been tireless, thoughtful, articulate, strategic, moving the agenda forward and bringing along often reluctant politicians.

Last but not least, I would reference what happened with our young people. Young people understand this. Young people are not hysterical. Young people express their concern and willingness to embrace others, regardless of sexual orientation, and that is why ultimately this cause will win. It is why so much progress has been made and why it will ultimately be successful.

I deeply appreciate this being brought before us, an opportunity for us to approve the Equality Act, affirm the bedrock principle of full equality, move it on to the Senate, and hopefully now with an administration committed to equality, we can enact it into law for the benefit of citizens all across the country.

I just have one 30-second evaluation of the notion of scientific forest management.


Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I will just say, I come from an area where so-called ``scientific management'' of forests has resulted in more forest fires, problems with water quality, problems with habitat. We are learning that we need to make different changes, and one of the tools that we have is extending wilderness protection. It strengthens the environment, protects wildlife, water resources, and makes them more resilient, not less.

It is not a matter of raking the forests, as Donald Trump said, but having an opportunity to allow the healing power of nature to provide those protections.

