Defending Life

Press Release

Date: Jan. 29, 2021

Every year, the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision inspires countless Americans to gather in spirit to exercise their First Amendment rights and peacefully protest on behalf of the unborn. This annual spotlight on the pro-life movement is a reminder of the ever growing and inspiring movement, both across the country and here in our nation's capital. Defending life in its earliest form is critical to the humanity of our society.

Over the past four years, President Trump continuously worked to protect human life by implementing pro-life policies like Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA) policy and appointing pro-life judges. With the Biden Administration and Democrat control of both the House and Senate, now more than ever we must remain united in the fight for life. The pro-life movement has remained staunch in its efforts to defend the unborn, and I will actively continue these efforts throughout this new Congress with this administration.

In 1976, Congress first passed the Hyde Amendment prohibiting the federal funding of abortion. However, since this amendment is not permanent law it must be attached to the annual appropriations bills. Since it was first enacted 45 years ago, Congress has always included Hyde protections as part of the annual appropriations bills and no president has ever vetoed an appropriations bill as a result of the Hyde Amendment's inclusion. However, Congressional Democrats have sought to repeal the Hyde Amendment for years, expressing a gross ignorance toward the taxpayers who morally disavow the practice of abortion. This opposition to the Hype Amendment is unacceptable, which is why I joined nearly 200 of my colleagues in sending a letter to House and Senate leadership in defense of the Hyde Amendment and other pro-life appropriations provisions.

The lack of respect for the sanctity of human life we are currently witnessing is disheartening to say the least. I strongly oppose the most recent announcement from the Biden Administration to discontinue PLGHA, also known as the Mexico City Policy, first enacted by the Reagan Administration. This is a crucial policy that prevents nongovernmental groups who receive taxpayer funding from utilizing these funds to perform or lobby for abortion. The PLGHA policy provides the United States the ability to fund global health initiatives without promoting abortion on the taxpayer's dime. In reversing the rule, this administration is taking a step towards a pro-abortion agenda rather than focusing on the life-affirming health care the world needs in the fight against COVID-19.

As a society we cannot stand idly by while the sanctity of innocent life is being challenged. I am firm in my commitment to ensuring respect for human life remains a cornerstone of public policy and will continue to support legislation in concurrence with the pro-life movement. I stand in defense of those who cannot defend themselves. Thank you to my fellow Nebraskans and everyone across the nation who are devoted to doing the same.
