Pfluger Moves to Block Biden From Rejoining Paris Climate Agreement


Date: Jan. 22, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment

Thursday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) supported two bills to prevent President Biden from rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement. Following the introduction of the legislation, Congressman Pfluger issued a statement:

"The Paris Climate Agreement does nothing to save or clean up the planet. With no mechanism to hold China and India--the two largest global polluters--accountable, this agreement merely shackles the United States with job-killing regulations that cost trillions of dollars and imperil our national security.

"Thanks to fracking and natural gas, the United States is already outperforming other major nations in reducing carbon emissions. President Trump made the right decision to withdraw our country from the ruinous Paris Climate Agreement in 2017, and since that point, America has reached energy independence for the first time in decades while simultaneously bringing CO2 emissions to an all-time low. We must let innovation and common-sense lead, not wrongheaded ideologies.

"Energy security is national security, and affordable, reliable energy is paramount to rebuilding a strong and vibrant American economy. I vehemently oppose President Biden's plans for unconstitutional entry back into the Paris Climate Agreement."
