Congressman Al Green: "I Support Impeachment for Impeachable Offenses"


By: Al Green
By: Al Green
Date: Jan. 7, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

On Thursday, January 7, 2021, Congressman Al Green released the following statement, indicating his co-leadership of Rep. Ilhan Omar's (MN-05) articles of impeachment as well as his original co-sponsorship of Rep. David Cicilline's (RI-01) articles of impeachment:

"Joined by over 100 different Members of Congress overall, I presented three sets of articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump in 2017, 2018, and 2019 because of several well-documented instances of his impeachable conduct. These efforts laid the foundation for the successful impeachment of our 45th President of the United States on December 18, 2019," Congressman Al Green (TX-09) stated. "The President's more recent rhetoric and actions have been harmful -- including his request of Georgia's Secretary of State to unlawfully overturn the 2020 presidential election results as well as his seditious incitement of insurrection at our nation's Capital during the Joint Session to count electoral votes."

"Bearing all this in mind, I am proud to co-lead Rep. Omar's articles of impeachment and co-sponsor Rep. Cicilline's articles of impeachment, because I support impeachment for impeachable offenses."

Congressman Green added, "For the past four years, it has been perspicuously clear that President Trump is unfit to be president and has engaged in impeachable behavior. Some may deem impeachment pointless when only 13 days remain before his term expires. Some may say the Senate will never convict him. I believe it is essential that Members of Congress go on record and indicate where they stand with this would-be dictator who employs sedition and incitive rhetoric to fuel his base."
