Bill to Combat Stalking of Children Clears House, Goes to President for Signature

Press Release

After a years-long fight, criminals who prey on and stalk children will face longer jail sentences. Led by Senators Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Bob Casey (D-Pa.) in the Senate, and Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.-1) in the House, the Combat Online Predators Act is heading to the president's desk for his signature.

The legislation enhances federal criminal penalties for stalkers by up to five years if the victim is a minor, and calls for the U.S. Department of Justice to evaluate federal, state, and local efforts to enforce stalking laws and identify enforcement best practices. The bill passed the Senate last October, and was approved by the House last night.

"House passage of the Combat Online Predators Act speaks to the remarkable dedication of the entire Zezzo family for keeping children safe and ensuring there are strong penalties for monsters who stalk and cyberstalk children," said Senator Toomey. "Madison and her parents, Erin and Tony, deserve our gratitude for helping get this legislation through Congress, and I look forward to the president signing it into law."

"Today is an important day in our Nation's endless fight to better protect our children and curtail predatory behavior. I am pleased that the House passed the Combat Online Predators Act today and I am grateful to the Zezzo family for their tireless advocacy of this important legislation," said Senator Casey. "This bipartisan bill will give judges additional tools to ensure that perpetrators who stalk or cyberstalk children are held accountable with serious penalties. I urge the President to sign Combat Online Predators swiftly into law so that we can continue the fight to keep our children safe from predatory behavior."

"We have no higher responsibility than to protect our children. Cyber-stalking is a serious crime that needs to be met with stricter penalties and more cooperation among law enforcement agencies. Sitting with the Zezzo family, I saw the pain in their eyes. After hearing of the disturbing story of cyberstalking endured by this young girl and her family for years, I knew something needed to be done," said Representative Fitzpatrick. "The Combat Online Predators Act is the first step in making the internet a safer environment for all users, especially the most vulnerable among us. I am incredibly proud to see our legislation pass both chambers and head to the President's desk to become law."

"Our family is so glad the Combat Online Predators Act has made it through Congress," said Erin and Tony Zezzo. "As families have navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic, children are spending more time online and in front of a webcam. Individuals who stalk and cyberstalk our children are taking advantage of these new tools and opportunities to exploit children. This legislation has never been more critical than it is today. Our hope is that this legislation is the first of more changes to our cyberstalking laws that will help prevent such heinous crimes. We appreciate the bipartisan work of Senators Toomey and Casey and Representatives Fitzpatrick and Murphy."

Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy (Fla.-7) coauthored the Combat Online Predators Act in the House.

The Combat Online Predators Act was inspired by the story of the Zezzo family of Bucks County, Pennsylvania whose teenaged daughter was cyber-stalked by a friend's father on social media. Despite the stalking being sexual in nature, the then-51-year-old stalker pleaded guilty only to a misdemeanor stalking charge and was sentenced to probation and counseling. Three years later, in 2016, the same stalker began making contact again. This time, he was arrested in a sting by local police and sentenced to between 18 months and seven years in a state prison.
