Carter on H. Res. 21

Press Release

Date: Jan. 13, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Constitution

Representative John Carter (TX-31) released the following statement regarding H. Res. 21.

"I'm confident we all share the same utter disgust for the attack on the United States Capitol last week. These feelings are all valid but the United States Constitution grants only the Vice President of the United States the power to initiate the process of declaring a president incapable of executing his duties. Congress' role is limited during this process, and only when there is a dispute. According to the Constitution, Congress can also designate another body, aside from the Cabinet, to exercise this power, which this resolution does not do. Instead, the legislation is designed to put pressure on the Vice President, because he has not done what the House majority wishes he would do.

"I have known Vice President Pence to be a man of integrity and the highest honor. Last week, in the wake of a violent attack on the Capitol, his leadership was steady and beyond reproach. Vice President Pence has always had sound judgement, and I trust his discernment on whether he feels he must invoke the power constitutionally afforded to him. Regardless of his decision, the decision is his to make, and not Congress' choice."
