Wyden Statement on President Biden's Inauguration Day Executive Actions on Immigration and Proposed Immigration Plan


Date: Jan. 20, 2021

Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., released the following statement on President Joe Biden's inauguration day immigration-related executive actions and the President's proposed immigration plan:

"Immigrant communities across America collectively breathed a huge sigh of relief when President Joe Biden took his oath of office. His actions today, his first day in office, signal the President's strong commitment to restore trust with those communities, close the chapter on xenophobia and cruelty, and reform our broken immigration and refugee system.

"My parents were German Jews who fled the Nazis and found refuge in America. They believed in the opportunity of this country and wanted to contribute all they could to our nation's shared success. For the sake of our values, our economy, and our health, I'm looking forward to working with President Biden and my congressional colleagues to rebuild an America that values immigrant families who contribute so much to our union."
