Congressman Panetta Reintroduces Legislation to Spur Development and Deployment of Zero-Emission Buses

Press Release

Date: Jan. 28, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-Carmel Valley) reintroduced legislation to create a tax credit to encourage municipalities to purchase and use zero-emission buses. The Green Bus Tax Credit Act creates a 10% manufacturer's tax credit for electric and hydrogen fuel-cell buses. Representatives Dan Kildee (MI-05), Don Beyer (VA-08), Earl Blumenauer (OR-03), Julia Brownley (CA-26), and Tom Suozzi (NY-03) joined the legislation as original cosponsors.

California law mandates that all new municipal buses purchased by municipalities must be zero-emission starting by 2029, and all fleets must be zero-emission by 2040. This legislation will encourage municipalities to meet that requirement ahead of time by reducing the price of zero-emission buses. It will help California meet its goal to reduce transportation sector emissions within the budgets of local transit agencies. The legislation will also spur the development of the zero-emission bus industry, bringing down prices, and making green buses more affordable across the country.

"As cities and counties across the Central Coast work to transition their buses to greener models, we've seen them slowed by budgetary constraints," said Congressman Panetta. "It's hard for our local communities to play their part in battling the climate crisis without some help to lower costs from the federal government. My legislation will provide the appropriate tax credits for them to get over the budgetary hurdles and encourage the development and deployment of zero-emission buses."

"Santa Cruz METRO applauds Congressman Panetta for his efforts to make zero emissions vehicles affordable for public transit agencies. Since May 2017, it has been METRO's goal to transition to a zero emissions fleet, but the significant cost differences between clean fuel buses and zero emissions buses has had a real impact on our purchasing decisions. This legislation will help us meet the goal of a zero emissions fleet sooner than expected should it be enacted," said Alex Clifford, CEO of Santa Cruz METRO.

"The Bus Coalition advocates for federal investment in bus transit to ensure riders and communities across the country have access to safe and efficient bus transit service. Buses provide over 51% of all transit trips and serve as a lifeline to essential workers, commuters, students, seniors and people with disabilities. If passed, the Green Bus Tax Credit Act will help transit systems upgrade fleets, reduce greenhouse emissions and, at the same time, reduce costs. We strongly endorse the Green Bus Tax Credit Act and hope to see quick action on the legislation." Bill Carpenter, President, The Bus Coalition.

"By helping to accelerate the deployment of zero-emission buses by transit agencies nationwide, the Green Bus Tax Credit Act will expand access to clean transportation options to millions of Americans. We applaud Congressman Panetta for introducing this important legislation, and for taking decisive action to re-establish the federal government's role in combatting climate change and improving local air quality," said Michael Pimentel, California Transit Association Executive Director.
