Congressman Steven Horsford's Statement in Support of Secretary-designate General Lloyd Austin's Historic Nomination to Lead the Department of Defense


Date: Jan. 21, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Steven Horsford issued the following statement on the House vote to grant Secretary-designate General Lloyd Austin a waiver to serve as Secretary of Defense. If confirmed by the Senate, Secretary-designate General Austin would be the first African American leader of the Defense Department.

"Secretary-designate General Austin's historic nomination sends a powerful message of belonging to servicemembers of color, who make up more than forty percent of our Armed Forces," said Congressman Steven Horsford. "With his decades of distinguished leadership in the U.S. Army, I am confident that he will be able to defend our national security and strengthen our alliances on the global stage."

"With four major military installations in my district -- including Creech and Nellis Air Force Bases, the Nevada Test and Training Range, and the Hawthorne Army Depot -- I know the importance of having a strong voice for our servicemembers at the helm of our Armed Forces.

"Prior to today's vote, I had the opportunity to speak directly with the Secretary-designate. He committed to work with me to strengthen housing, mental health care, childcare, and educational opportunities for servicemembers and their families in Nevada's Fourth District. I trust that he has the experience and track record to lead the Defense Department with distinction."

Before the vote, Congressman Horsford delivered remarks on the House floor in support of the waiver. His remarks highlighted Secretary-designate General Austin's historic nomination, impressive credentials, and global leadership.
