Congressman Steven Horsford Votes for Bipartisan Appropriations Legislation to Provide Robust Funding for Nevada's Working Families

Press Release

Date: Dec. 22, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

ongressman Steven Horsford voted in favor of H.R. 133 -- Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, an omnibus spending package to responsibly fund the government and invest in critical priorities.

"This spending package will help American families recover from the pandemic and help our communities as we rebuild our economy, in a more inclusive and equitable manner. Nevada faces a long road to recovery, and I am committed to fighting for federal funding to ensure Nevada families prosper on the other side of this pandemic. " said Congressman Horsford. "I voted for this bill because it provides pathways for better schools, provides critical nutrition and housing support to our most vulnerable communities, supports Nevada's military and veterans, and expands broadband access and economic opportunities for our rural communities."

The omnibus spending package comprises all 12 fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills and increases non-defense spending by $12.5 billion, securing investments in American communities by improving schools, expanding access to housing, reducing food insecurity, protecting our environment, combating climate change and more.

This bill also includes a funding reduction for Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) aggressive detention and removal activities, as well as providing funding for federal research into gun violence.
