Tweet - "From the minute the Capitol was attacked, I called for the rioters to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and have repeatedly said that it is incumbent upon every person in America to help lower the temperature of our political discourse."

Social Media

"From the minute the Capitol was attacked, I called for the rioters to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and have repeatedly said that it is incumbent upon every person in America to help lower the temperature of our political discourse."

"It's a call to look up from our screens and think about what we say. Unfortunately, many in the media continue to ignore this to drive clicks and push their own partisan agenda. The distortions of my comments are completely disingenuous."

"If we keep doing the same thing in our politics, we cannot expect a different result. That means everyone--politicians, media, and the American people overall--have a role to play in disagreeing without being disagreeable.

It won't happen overnight. But we must start somewhere."

