Congressman Cleaver Votes to Impeach the President of the United States


Date: Jan. 13, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, the House of Representatives voted to impeach the President of the United States with bipartisan support by a vote of 232-197. United States Representative Emanuel Cleaver, II (D-MO) voted in favor of impeachment. He released the following statement after the vote.

"Last week, violent insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol Building in an attempt to overturn the will of the American people by preventing the certification of a free and fair election. This domestic terror attack came following months of lies and conspiratorial rhetoric from the President of the United States, including at a presidential rally directly before the attack.

"During that rally, the President riled his supporters into a frenzy and told them, "We're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, and we're going to the Capitol.' He said, "We're going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones…the kind of pride and boldness they need to take back our country.'

"Less than two hours later, a mob of thousands had forced their way into the Capitol to stop the Electoral College certification process and attack the leadership of the U.S. government. This riot ultimately resulted in the deaths of several individuals, including one Capitol Police Officer. The attempted coup, which was incited by the President of the United States, cannot be allowed to stand without reprimand.

"There is not a single member of Congress who comes to Washington to impeach a President. It is the single most gut-wrenching vote any member will ever have to take because of its immensity in consequence. However, we need to send a message to not only the American people, but to people around the globe that we are still the flagship democracy where the rule of law is paramount.

"As I said earlier today on the floor of the People's House, "it would be an error to suppose that men and women can be courageous every day. It would be unfair to anticipate that I, or anyone, can be a lion every day. No one is expected to be a lion day after day after day--but, on this day, lions are required.'

"For that reason, I had no choice but to vote for impeachment."
