Letter to President Donald Trump - Feinstein to Trump: Extend California National Guard COVID-19 Assistance


Date: Dec. 2, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President,

I write to urge you to approve Governor Newsom's request for continuing authority and funding under Title 32 to order to duty or extend the federal military orders of up to 1,500 members of the California National Guard responding to COVID-19 through March 31, 2021. I also request that you authorize 100 percent federal cost-share for California's National Guard through March 31, 2021.

The National Guard is a critical component of California's efforts to contain the pandemic. There are nearly 700 Guard forces serving in California who are providing medical support, staffing COVID-19 testing sites, and delivering assistance to people in need. Your approval would allow California to maintain the National Guard's continuity of operations at this critical time in which the number of new cases and hospitalizations continue to surge in California, and some counties are imposing new stay-at-home orders.

The National Guard has been essential to California's response during this pandemic, and it is critical for these forces to maintain their ability to conduct testing, contact tracing, and other public health measures. I appreciate your attention to this request.


Dianne Feinstein

United States Senator
