Covid-19 Relief

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 9, 2020
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. SLOTKIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today because the American people and the people of Michigan need our help. They need Congress to pass a COVID relief package, and failing to reach a deal would be a shameful dereliction of duty here in the Congress.

Just yesterday, my State confirmed its 10,000th death. I have hospitals in my district that are at 98 percent capacity, and local businesses face oblivion.

The images of Americans in their cars lining up for hours to pick up their Thanksgiving meal should be seared into our memories. Make no mistake. These food lines are modern-day bread lines, and it is our job to do something about it.

Platitudes won't feed a family, and empty words won't get folks together for the holidays. Frankly, it is a slap in the face to ICU nurses, our small business owners, and frontline workers doing everything they can do to weather the crisis.

It is a slap in the face to the nurse in East Lansing who wrote to my office pleading for economic relief. Her husband had to stop working in the spring to take care of their kids, and every day she gets up worried she might bring COVID home to them. They are getting behind on their bills, on their rent, and they are taking out loans against their retirement.

Mr. Speaker, I ask the leaders of both parties and of both Chambers to witness these stories, do their jobs, and reach a deal, even if it is not perfect.

