Congressman Cohen Receives 100 Percent Score from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights


Date: Nov. 2, 2020
Location: Memphis, TN

Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09) today was pleased to acknowledge his 100 percent score from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights on a wide variety of votes during the 116th Congress that reflect his interest in promoting civil and human rights. Among the votes the Conference used to assess his voting record were those to impeach President Trump and his support for coronavirus relief, the U.S. Postal Service, funding for the U.S. Census, pregnant workers, the right to join unions, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and the Voting Rights Advancement Act, later renamed the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Other votes reviewed involved Congressman Cohen's support for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), student loan borrowers, older workers, and reversing certain anti-consumer decisions of the Trump-run Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

Congressman Cohen made the following statement:

"I am pleased and proud to receive a perfect score from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. Its assessment of my voting record reflects my policy positions on a variety of issues important to me and to my constituents. This score encourages me to continue to look out for those whose rights and needs are so often in jeopardy, and to stay vigilant in protecting them."

Founded in 1950, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights is a coalition of 220 national organizations promoting and protecting civil and human rights, diversity and a more open and just society.
