Congressman Cohen Supports Updated Heroes Act


Date: Sept. 28, 2020
Location: Memphis, TN

Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09) this evening enthusiastically endorsed an updated Heroes Act to address the ongoing health and economic catastrophe with much-needed assistance to protect lives, livelihoods and the life of our democracy. The $2.2 trillion measure is a scaled down version of the Heroes Act the House passed four months ago but which the Senate has failed to consider.

Congressman Cohen made the following statement:

"This updated Heroes bill includes needed funding for schools and small businesses, ensures worker safety, bolsters housing assistance and protects our frontline vital workers like first responders and health workers who are keeping us safe. I am particularly pleased to see that the measure includes priorities I sought, including support for restaurants and performance spaces like those on our Beale Street. It also extends the highly successful Payroll Support Program to keep airline industry workers paid. I hope we can pass this measure swiftly and get it over to the Senate and signed into law. America is hurting and the updated Heroes Act provides some needed relief."

Congressman Cohen wrote House Democratic leaders on Friday asking that they prioritize support for the restaurant, hospitality and entertainment industries so critical to the Memphis economy.
