Issue Position: Wages

Issue Position

I was the first legislator in Vermont to introduce a $15 minimum wage bill in 2014. In 2018 Gov. Scott vetoed similar legislation and earlier this year (February 2020) we overrode his veto pushing Vermont's minimum wage to $12.55 by 2022. We must go further because the path to a strong middle class requires that anyone working full time be able to meet their basic needs.

We can't expect Vermont businesses to accept a $15 minimum wage overnight but we need to get there as soon as possible. In 2014 one of the very real impacts of our fight for $15 bill was that it helped make many legislators comfortable with the idea of getting to $10.50. As I said at the time, when I am hoping to sell a used car for $3,000 I put $4,000 on the window.

This is a good example of my approach to Montpelier -- I try and push legislators to go further and address comprehensive solutions rather than tiny, piecemeal steps.

Here's a snap shot of the 27% of Vermonters earning under $12.50.
