Issue Position: Climate Change

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

In 2012 I co-founded the legislative Climate Caucus with Rep. Margaret Cheney (D-Norwich). We wanted to bring the climate change discussion out of committee silos to help legislators recognize how far-reaching and urgent climate change is for our state and world.

There is no single greater threat to our state, our economy or humanity than global climate change. While Vermont's ability to impact the country's carbon output is insignificant our ability to lead is noteworthy. Look at our record with Efficiency Vermont, land use planning, and renewable development. These policies are effective and end up being copied around the country. The nation and the world need to act fast and Vermont can help by charting the course.

If we don't act on climate change we will also put our economy at risk. On the other hand, if we embrace the challenge and position ourselves as a go-to state for solutions we can protect the environment and enhance our economy. Consider that solar energy jobs are among the fastest growing segment of Vermont's economy already. We should build on this potential, brand ourselves as climate change leaders and strengthen our economy as we go.

By 2020 the Climate Caucus has swelled to over 80 legislators and we have successfully passed emission reduction planning legislation and advanced my bill to make Vermont utilities 100% renewable by 2030. There is more to do.
