Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Rhode Island's approach to healthcare lead the nation, but we must do more.

The opiod crisis that faces our nation is a clear and present danger to all Rhode Islanders and one that has impacted my own family directly. As your state representative, I will:

Support initiatives for safe injection sites and treatment programs

Support legislation that would reduce drug possession charges from a felony to a misdemeanor

Support legislation that will require health care providers to offer doula services

Support the preservation and expansion of the state health insurance exchange and access to affordable health insurance for all Rhode Islanders

Support Telehealth by allowing for continued Telehealth MAT inductions and maintain Telehealth rates at 100% of office rates

Support funding for behavioral health, allowing organizations to recruit and retain skilled service providers

Gradually reduce counseling requirements for suboxone as patients continue to be stable
