Issue Position: An Economy that Works for All Vermonters, Not Just a Select Few

Issue Position

The future of Vermont depends on a healthy economy. A strong economy provides jobs, lifts people out of poverty, and reduces the pressure on an already overburdened social services system. With a virtually flat rate of growth, an aging population, fewer young people and young families in Vermont, we need to develop policies and practices that provide opportunities for our citizens which will in turn strengthen our economy.

Today, too many Vermonters struggle to care for and support themselves and their families. I will continue to fight for:

Paid family leave - Working Vermonters should have the security of being able to welcome a new child or care for a sick family member without fear of losing income or being fired.

Increasing the minimum wage - So families can meet the basics. Their spending will boost Main Street, create jobs, and help Vermont communities to thrive.

Workforce development- We must continue to increase access to training, career and tech education so every Vermonter has a fair shot.
