Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

During Mattiello's tenure, bills have languished up on Smith Hill that would reduce the price of prescription drugs, a major issue for our seniors. Barbara Ann has seen first hand grandmothers ending up in the hospital because they aren't taking their medications as prescribed, because quite simply they couldn't afford them. None of our seniors should have to decide between paying rent, and being able to pay for their diabetes medications. It's time we get real reforms passed through the House.

Barbara Ann is also passionate about increasing resources to combat the opioid epidemic. In 2018 alone, 115 Cranstonians ended up in the hospital due to an opioid overdose. And while the data is still preliminary, 2020 is unfortunately on track to be the worst year for opioid overdose deaths. We need to prioritize funding for more inpatient beds and outpatient resources to reverse this trend, and save families!
