Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: K-12 Education

It's time to close the achievement gap. The big promise was that Albany would make sure New York City schools received as much money annually as upstate schools. But it never happened. The bureaucrats made it impossible. I'm going to Albany, to the Assembly, to cut the red tape, to get that money to go to where it should go: Southeast Queens and the Rockaways.

You know what is really happening. Our schools are overcrowded. It's as if someone purposely planned for our youth to go from school to jail, with no stoops in between. Well, I intend to smash that plan to pieces.

I think of education as K-16, kindergarten through to college education

Turn schools into community centers. Use local schools as centers for after hours tutoring, computer literacy. Intervene before our youth drop out of high school, and if they do, hit the streets and bring them back. And then right into City University colleges and into the job market, I want to make it easy to save the next generation.

Healthy living should start in our schools. A nutritionist in every school teach our youth how to extend their lives with healthy eating habits? Better food in school lunchrooms? I will fight to extend our lives, not destroy them. Don't say we can't do it. We will.
