Issue Position: Preserve our Democracy and Protect Voting Rights

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Powerful interests and elected officials have sought to rig the system so they can undermine our democracy. As we saw and several democracy experts have noted in the last election cycle, these officials have made real attempts to suppress voters and have participated in the egregious manipulation of the election process in order to benefit themselves.

The number one issue putting our democracy at risk is redistricting. Every 10 years, after the census is taken, state legislatures across the county "rebalance" the populations of political districts (from local to national) by adjusting the boundaries. We cannot allow our elected officials to gerrymander their districts according to partisan interests. Too many "safe' districts across the country have been drawn to support only the voices of political extremes. I am a co-sponsor of "The Democracy Act," which proposes to amend Georgia's constitution to create an independent, non-partisan commission to complete redistricting, rather than the Georgia legislature.
