Issue Position: Reproductive Rights

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Reproduction

Reverend Warnock has been an advocate for women's health and reproductive justice his entire life and is proud to have been endorsed by NARAL and Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Since his time as a teen peer counselor in high school and his work with the Georgia Department of Health during college, Warnock has fought to increase safe and affordable access to contraceptives and achieve reproductive justice for women and families. While working with the State, he also helped author a statewide curriculum for uniform training for Georgia's teen peer counselors. As Senior Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, he has carried that work forward by centering choice and justice in his ministry.

With Washington politicians still working to overturn Roe v. Wade and repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would allow insurance companies to treat pregnancy as a pre-existing condition, Reverend Warnock recognizes that women's health care is under attack like never before. As a Senator, he will stand up for reproductive justice and a woman's right to choose.

Warnock believes in a woman's right to choose and that it is a decision between her and her doctor -- not the government. He knows the importance of family planning and contraceptive access to achieving fair and equal economic outcomes. That's why in the U.S. Senate, he will

Fight to protect access to quality, affordable reproductive health care;
Support the Affordable Care Act's preventive care protections for access to birth control, cancer screenings, and other life saving care;
Push to root out the biases in our health care system that result in deadly inequalities, such as higher maternal mortality rates among Black women;
Support judicial nominees that support a woman's right to choose and uphold Roe v. Wade;and
Oppose all partisan attacks defunding health care providers like Planned Parenthood.
