Issue Position: Lowering the Cost of Health Insurance and Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

The cost of health insurance and healthcare has skyrocketed and continues to climb because of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) which put Washington bureaucrats in control of deciding what is best for individuals and their families.

Barry believes the individual should be empowered to decide what is best for their own healthcare, not some bureaucrat in Washington. In his short time in Congress, Barry has voted numerous times to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a system that allows insurance providers to provide innovative and new health insurance plans that are affordable and meet the needs of each individual, while ensuring those with pre-existing conditions have access to affordable health insurance plans.

Just in the past couple of years, insurance premiums have dramatically increased and many health insurance providers have pulled out of the market. This is creating a health insurance crisis in many parts of the United States, and we are on the verge of another dramatic increase this fall.

In the past year, Barry voted to repeal the Obamacare individual mandate -- which forced Americans to buy health insurance plans that were prescribed by the government. As a result, Americans will no longer be forced by law to purchase policies they can't afford and don't provide the coverage they need.

Barry has supported, and is continuing to push for, major reforms that will lower premiums and deductibles -- by eliminating unreasonable federal mandates and restoring the regulation of health insurance back to the state and local level.

Barry also supports allowing individuals the right to choose how they pay for health care; whether through private insurance, concierge services, group plans or paying cash for services.
