Speaker Dennis Hastert Statement on House Republicans' Year of Accomplishments

Date: Dec. 19, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

Speaker Dennis Hastert Statement on House Republicans' Year of Accomplishments

December 19, 2005

(Washington, D.C.) House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) issued the following statement early this morning following a late night series of votes:

"My old coaching philosophy is under promise and overproduce. We have exceeded our goals. House Republicans have a record of achievement that the American people can appreciate, because it is one that is aligned with their own priorities of national, homeland and economic security for this nation."

"House Republicans have worked through the night to pass the Deficit Reduction Act, the Department of Defense Appropriations legislation and the Department of Defense Authorization bill, so that the American people can continue to be assured both economic and national security for their families and loved ones.

"While Congress dedicated its efforts to help the Gulf Coast rebuild after the worst natural disaster in American history, we also promised the American people that we would find ways to pay for the cost. We succeeded in passing approximately $40 billion in savings; eliminating dozens of wasteful government programs for a savings of $3.5 billion; and including a "One Percent Across-the-Board Spending Cut" that will save $8.5 billion.

"For years we have worked on achieving an agreement to explore the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but have been blocked by obstructionist Senate Democrats. This victory will help eventually lower the cost of energy for American families and businesses by lessening our dependence on foreign oil and increasing our domestic supply.

"We've also had an extraordinary year of accomplishment for House Republicans. A landmark number of bills have been signed by the President including, a comprehensive energy bill that will assure Americans energy security, a historic highway bill that will improve our nation's critical infrastructure, a class action fairness bill that will eliminate frivolous lawsuits, a bankruptcy reform bill that will protect consumers and small businesses, the Real ID Act that will streamline the identification process for law enforcement, billions in hurricane relief for those Americans affected by this year's national disasters, and CAFTA legislation that will enhance the trading partnership with Central America.

"House Republicans have passed several bills that now await Senate approval. Those measures include; immigration and border enforcement; an extension of capital gains and dividend tax relief, a permanent death tax repeal, an alternative minimum tax relief, health care liability and access legislation, small business health fairness (AHPs), pension reform, PATRIOT Act extension, terrorism insurance extension, Katrina tax relief, reform for Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), Child Interstate Abortion Notification, and United Nations reform.

"Next year, our agenda will remain focused on improving economic security, national security and homeland security for the American people. One of our top priorities when Congress reconvenes will be to pass the conference report on tax reconciliation legislation that has worked to keep our economy going. This measure will extend the tax policies we have in place and benefit American families by creating more jobs and growing businesses. We will also continue our work on immigration reform and work on curbing the abuses of 527 organizations."

