Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

COVID-19 has highlighted what we have long known -- access to affordable health care is critical, regardless of employment status, and our public health system has been woefully underfunded. Medicaid expansion would improve our ability to manage this public health crisis and save lives. The refusal to expand Medicaid has cost Kansas 3+ billion of our tax dollars, prevented the creation of thousands of jobs, and put many health care facilities in jeopardy.

​Furthermore, Joy and her family know from firsthand experience that mental health care must be a fundamental component of every Kansan's health care plan.

Joy is the leader who will:
Fight for Medicaid expansion to provide access to healthcare for all Kansans while reducing the burden of uncompensated care among service providers.
Advocate for a robust, coordinated and responsive mental health system that includes addiction treatment to ensure that all Kansans have a path to recovery.
Close the gap in our K-TRACS system so we can fight the opioid crisis on all fronts.
