Rep. Axne Statement on Updated Heroes Act

Press Release

Tonight, Rep. Cindy Axne (IA-03) issued the following statement on her vote on the updated Heroes Act:

"Over the past two months, I repeatedly urged House leadership to bring up a simplified, straightforward COVID-19 aid package in order to meet the White House and Senate Republicans in the middle on a deal that could deliver critical assistance for Iowa's families, businesses, and communities.

This move toward compromise has demonstrably renewed momentum for a deal, and we are closer than we have been in months, but the only thing that will deliver the help my constituents need is a bill that will actually become law.

As negotiations between our two sides continue, we need to give these discussions our full attention and support. Millions of Americans cannot afford for us to fail in this effort -- we must continue to work towards an agreement and vote when we know we have a deal in hand."

Rep. Axne has continued to push congressional leadership to move a new package of COVID-19 relief forward to help Iowa families.

Last week, Rep. Axne led a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging her to bring up a "revised and streamlined" relief package.

Previously, Rep. Axne had urged Speaker Pelosi to bring up a simplified COVID-19 aid package when the House returned to session two weeks ago.

Earlier this month, Rep. Axne wrote to Speaker Pelosi to urge her to put a revised COVID-19 aid package on the House's agenda for September.

Rep. Axne made a similar request of House leadership in August when the House returned to session to pass legislation to preserve the solvency and operational capacity of the U.S. Postal Service.

Rep. Axne also led a letter of Iowa and Illinois Representatives to the White House and congressional leadership highlighting the need for additional aid for state and local governments after a devastating derecho struck the region earlier last month.

In May, Rep. Axne rejected the original Heroes Act for its inclusion of superfluous provisions and unnecessary spending -- while continuing to advocate for a package that could garner Senate and White House approval to deliver much-needed aid for Iowans.
