Issue Position: Taxes and Tax Rebates

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Taxes

Make It Fair For Everyone
I support the creation of a federal income tax rebate for working families that do not receive paid family leave.

Closing tax loopholes for corporations and billionaires to balance the tax burden and properly fund the federal government and maintain our infrastructure.

President Trump and I agree that we should eliminate the federal tax loophole for carried interests. All income from managing a firm's assets would be treated as ordinary income. Carried interest should be treated as ordinary income and be subject to employment taxes as proposed in the Carried Interest Fairness Act of 2019. This would promote tax fairness and could reduce the deficit by $14 Billion in 10 years.

The current administration and its supporters are working hard to destabilize our public safety nets and take away Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. We need people in Congress who will work hard to protect the working class and not just work for billionaires.
