Issue Position: Foreign Policy on Diplomacy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Foreign Affairs

The wars in the middle east have cost the American people more than $6 trillion, the lives of thousands of American men and women, and has directly led to the death of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants in the countries we've invaded. U.S. foreign policy is to be focused on diplomacy and minimizing foreign military entanglements. It is time to end our preemptive action strategy and deal with foreign states through diplomatic means - every sovereign nation has a right to determine their future. The United States should find mutual interests with these foreign nations, seek peace, and should never engage in agitation or in aggression against any country.

End Non-Defensive Conflicts. Support our troops by not sending them off to kill and die overseas for corporate and geopolitical interest.

Reduce Military Spending. Reduce spending by ending our perpetual state of war, reducing fatalities and healthcare costs.

Presidential Accountability. Hold the Executive Office accountable for engaging in military conflicts without a congressional declaration of war.
