Issue Position: Immigration

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Immigration

Legal immigration is necessary for the continued strength of our economy. However, illegal immigration threatens the safety of individual Americans, the financial strength of the country, and an injustice to those who immigrate legally to our great country and honor our laws. The first and immediate step we need to take is to secure the border. Having visited the border twice in the last two years, I strongly support President Trump's plan to build a wall. I introduced a bill to help with that: the Dollars for the Wall Act, which would allow taxpayers to help directly pay for the border wall.

It is also imperative that we enforce current federal law both at the border and across the country. When I served in the State Senate, I passed an anti-sanctuary cities bill that adds teeth to Tennessee's sanctuary cities law. I also passed a bill forbidding municipalities from creating their own forms of identification. In Congress, I have also co-led a bill to designate certain Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. It's past time we hold them accountable for the violence and destruction they have caused.
