Issue Position: Protecting Our Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Annie Kuster believes that the old way of thinking about the environment is not good enough. Annie has consistently stood up for our planet and our economy by supporting legislation to combat climate change and reduce carbon pollution. In January 2020, Annie introduced her "Clean Energy Agenda" which includes bipartisan legislation to create a clean energy future of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and clean transportation in the Granite State.

With a 94% lifetime score from the League of Conservation Voters, Annie Kuster is a champion for protecting our natural resources and conserved lands. She is a leading voice in the push to secure permanent and full funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which has funded over $165 million worth of conservation and recreation projects in New Hampshire communities since its inception.

Annie has advocated for building a clean energy economy to protect our environment, reduce energy costs, and create jobs. She knows that the only way to ensure a sustainable future is to build an economy around clean energy. Annie has cosponsored legislation to keep the United States in the Paris Climate Agreement and to establish a plan for how the country will reduce carbon pollution. Annie Kuster is committed to enacting policies to reduce carbon emissions, promote clean energy, and protect the environment.
