Issue Position: Delivering Quality, Affordable Healthcare

Issue Position

As a member of Congress, Chris continues to fight to ensure that every Granite Stater can access quality, affordable health care coverage. Chris believes the Affordable Care Act (ACA) represents a significant step forward for our country and has repeatedly voted to thwart Republican attempts to roll back the benefits of this landmark legislation, including protections for Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions.

As a member of the Executive Council, Chris worked with then-Governor Maggie Hassan and provided the pivotal vote to implement the state's Medicaid expansion program, which now insures more than 53,000 Granite Staters and has been a key tool in combating the opioid epidemic.

Chris opposes all efforts to play politics with Americans' health care and is working in Congress to support affordable health care for all by:

Lowering the cost of prescription drugs by fighting to end special tax breaks for pharmaceutical companies, allow Americans to purchase low-cost prescription drugs from Canada, increase drug pricing transparency, improve access for low-income seniors, and allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices

Blocking the Trump Administration's efforts to roll back protections for people with pre-existing conditions

Taking On the partisan lawsuit supported by President Trump and Washington insiders to repeal the ACA, which, if successful, would raise premiums and kick millions of Americans off their health insurance

Supporting increased funding for programs to protect vulnerable communities, including New Hampshire's community health centers and health care providers on the frontlines of the addiction crisis
