Following Watchdog Report, Udall Sounds Alarm that Trump Administration's Politically-Motivated Decision to Rush Census Endangers a Complete and Accurate Count


Date: Sept. 22, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

"I am deeply concerned that the Trump administration is preventing a fair and accurate Census count, a process that determines New Mexico and Indian Country's share of federal funding and electoral representation. The OIG report is just the latest in a series of disturbing revelations that the Trump administration is politicizing and blatantly interfering in the 2020 Census.

"The OIG found that the decision to truncate the Census data collection timeline was not made by the Census Bureau. Instead, the person or agency who decided to "accelerate' the Census timeline remains shrouded in secrecy. It is clear that those in the Trump administration with the authority to make such a decision did so without consulting the agency responsible for implementing this critical and constitutionally-mandated count.

"The Census plays an essential constitutional role in gathering data that is not only used for redistricting Congressional districts, state legislative districts, and school districts, but also for enforcing voting rights and civil rights legislation. New Mexico and Tribal communities are at risk of an undercount, meaning that communities could lose out on vital funding for health care and other programs that support jobs and the economy-- just a 1 percent undercount in New Mexico could result in losing hundreds of millions in federal funds over the next 10 years.

"While many New Mexicans and Tribal communities are struggling to put food on the table and protect their families' health during the COVID-19 pandemic, it's clear that the Census Bureau should extend operations to ensure a fair and accurate count. The administration must immediately reverse this decision to accelerate the timeline and give the Census Bureau the time and resources necessary to do its job. And it is absolutely imperative that all New Mexicans and people across Indian Country fill out their Census forms as soon as possible."

On April 13, 2020, the Commerce Department and Census Bureau announced a modified timeline for 2020 census operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, extending the deadline for field data collection to October 31, 2020. On August 3rd, the Bureau reneged on its April 13th announcement and indicated instead that it will cease all collection by September 30, 2020. A federal court recently issued a decision to temporarily block the Trump administration from cutting the count short, but has not issued a final decision.

The 2020 Census can be completed by phone, mail or online. The survey does not have a citizenship question and all information provided is kept confidential. Additional information on the Census collection, how to receive a form or how to fill it out can be found here.

The Census can be completed by phone using the following numbers:

- English: 844-330-2020

- Spanish: 844-468-2020
