Issue Position: Senior Citizens

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Senior Citizens

In 2017 my Senior's Tax Simplification Act was signed into law by President Trump. This legislation directs the IRS to create a new, simple, tax filing form for senior citizens who do not have complicated income streams. It's been almost four decades since a new streamlined tax form has been created to help simplify tax filing.

Social Security and Medicare are critical programs for our nation's seniors. They are programs that seniors have paid into and are a contract between seniors and the federal government. This promise must be kept.

With regard to Social Security I have voted against making any changes to Social Security. I have also cosponsored and voted for legislation that would guarantee that Social Security checks are never held hostage to budget negotiations. This legislation guarantees that Social Security checks are paid. Social Security is a contract between seniors who paid into the program and the federal government, and these obligations must be met.

As for Medicare, I am a strong supporter of Medicare and voted against President Obama's health care law, which cut over a half a trillion dollars from the Medicare budget. I also voted against legislation that would have made other changes for those who are nearing retirement. For those under age 55 who want to choose a different plan, I believe that we should consider allowing them to make choices when they reach 65, but also ensure that they have access to traditional Medicare, with no changes, if they so desire. The Medicare Advantage plan that tens of thousands of seniors in my Congressional District have chosen is the sort of choice options that have proven very successful and should be expanded.

"Medicare for All" proposals -- embraced by all 2020 Democrat presidential candidates and the New Green Deal -- is Obamacare on steroids. Medicare for All threatens traditional Medicare and the health care benefits of seniors. It puts Washington politicians and government bureaucrats in charge of health care decisions because it bans private health insurance. That flies in the face of American Constitutional principles of freedom.

I have long supported efforts to repeal Medicare's Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) and in February of 2018 we succeeded and President Trump signed legislation finally doing away with it. IPAB was originally included in the Obamacare health care law and would have given 15 unelected, unaccountable government bean counters the power to reduce Medicare services for seniors. Medicare for All would grant government bean counters this same authority and essentially put your health care and your health in the hands of unaccountable, unelected government workers in Washington -- this is why it must be rejected.
