Border Security Bill Would Make Sweeping Punitive Changes to Immigration Law; Non-profits Subject to Felony Charges

Date: Dec. 15, 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

Border Security Bill Would Make Sweeping Punitive Changes to Immigration Law; Non-profits Subject to Felony Charges
December 15, 2005

Washington, D.C., December 15th - Congressman Jim Moran, Northern Virginia Democrat, today issued a statement regarding House consideration of the "Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act" (H.R. 4437).

"Rather than take a hard look at our immigration system, this legislation uses broad strokes that punitively target both legal and undocumented immigrants. It threatens to turn non-profits, refugees and asylum seekers into felons.

"The American public knows that our immigration system is broken. But instead of working to assemble a comprehensive package to fix our nation's immigration system, we are debating a heavy-handed proposal that focuses only on punishment.

"This legislation would not only make undocumented immigrants felons, it would also charge people who are here legally. Legal immigrants who fail to notify the government of a change of address could be charged with a felony. These legally-present, hard working individuals, many of whom are supporting their families in low wage jobs, could face up to a year in prison under the bill's provisions.

"Non-profits and average citizens also face severe sanctions under this legislation. Under the expanded definition of smuggling, anyone could be prosecuted for violating federal law for simply driving a neighbor to the grocery store or to the emergency room. Charity organizations that help the homeless and underprivileged could be prosecuted if they assisted an undocumented immigrant.

"Whether we want to admit it or not, many of the people who are here illegally are performing jobs that U.S. citizens simply do not want or will not take. These jobs are mainly in the service and agricultural industries, a vital part of our economy. Punishing these people without providing some form of guest worker visa program, people who contribute greatly to our economy, is penny wise but pound foolish. We should be in the business of helping them gain a pathway to legal status rather than locking them up.

"The United States is a beacon for democracy and has always been a refuge for people seeking freedom and a better life. From the first settlers who were escaping religious persecution, to Europeans escaping Communist regimes, accepting the huddled masses yearning to be free has been part of our nation's genetic code. This bill runs counter to our ideals, values and principles as Americans, and should be defeated."
