Hurd, Kelly Introduce Resolution to Create National Artificial Intelligence Strategy

Press Release

Date: Sept. 16, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Reps. Will Hurd (R-Texas) and Robin Kelly (D-Ill.), after almost a year of coordination with expert stakeholders and the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), today introduced a concurrent resolution calling for the creation of a national artificial intelligence (AI) strategy. The resolution includes recommendations from four white papers the congressmen created with BPC on Workforce, National Security, Research and Development (R&D) and Ethics.

"America leads the world in innovation, but to keep up we must embrace AI in the government, private sector and education. This means preparing America's workforce, countering our adversaries' commitment to AI, investing in R&D and shaping the ethical guidelines and rules of AI based on America's values, not that of an authoritarian regime, like Russia or China. I'm proud to introduce a resolution with my colleague Rep. Robin Kelly today calling for the creation of a national AI strategy. This is a step forward our country must take to help us retain America's edge in AI and secure the next 70 years of American-led international prosperity and security. Given there is potential for Mandarin and the yuan--not English and the dollar--to dominate the global economy, it makes passing this resolution and striving for American AI leadership all the more important," said Hurd.

"American ongoing and future leadership in AI will be based on today's policies and investments. We need a real and actionable comprehensive plan, as this resolution calls for, to engage all levers of national power to create and preserve American AI superiority," said Kelly.

"Artificial intelligence is reshaping the economy, geopolitics, and society. The Bipartisan Policy Center is proud to have developed a series of reports that contributed to the resolution being introduced today. With the right public policies and ethical standards, AI will enhance our national security and create a more prosperous and inclusive economy," said Jason Grumet, President and Founder of the Bipartisan Policy Center.

Congressmen Steve Chabot (R-Ohio), Gerald Connolly (D-Va.), Marc Veasey (D-Texas), Seth Moulton (D-Mass.), Michael Cloud (R-Texas), and Jim Baird (R-Ind.) are original cosponsors.

"As artificial intelligence technology moves rapidly forward, we must have two very clear goals in mind. First, we want the United States to be the global leader in this cutting edge technology. Second, we need to make sure, like we do with all scientific advancements, that this technology is pursued in an ethical and morally responsible manner. The important legislation we're introducing today addresses those goals by calling for a unified national plan with respect to artificial intelligence that will place the United States at the forefront of this groundbreaking research both scientifically and ethically," said Chabot.

"Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing our world, including how the federal government operates and delivers vital services to the public. This resolution brings us one step closer to ensuring that the United States develops and uses AI in a safe, reliable and responsible manner," said Connolly.

"Like most well thought out plans, having a strategy is key. Artificial Intelligence helps lead our economy and expand our knowledge to create what was once thought to be impossible, but if we want the U.S. to remain a world leader in the technology industry we have to be thoughtful about how we continue this work. I appreciate the hard work that has been put into this resolution to make sure we stand our AI strategy on strong pillars that will create more equity, security, and success in the AI sector for all Americans," said Veasey.

"If we don't set the rules of the road for AI, China or Russia will. Vladimir Putin himself has said that the nation that leads in AI "will be the ruler of the world.' I'd rather the future be defined by our values, not theirs. This resolution calling for the development of a national AI strategy is a strong first step in ensuring continued American economic competitiveness and national security," said Moulton.

"Developing a strategy for artificial intelligence will help put our country on stronger footing as we recover from the coronavirus pandemic and rebuild towards a better future. We must continue to prioritize research and development in order to stay ahead of our adversaries who are actively developing AI capabilities with nefarious intent," said Cloud.

"This resolution is the first step for the United States to implement a national strategy in regards to artificial intelligence. As China and Russia compete to become leaders in AI, it is vital for the U.S. to have our own AI strategic plan. Thanks to the recommendations from these bipartisan reports, the future of this important and rapidly evolving industry will be guided by American values," said Baird.

The congressmen and BPC identify 78 specific actions that will guide America towards responsible AI innovation. The principles guiding these recommendations are included in the resolution. The full text of the resolution is available here.

The white papers are available below:

National Security
Research and Development
