Fox News "Hannity" - Transcript Interview with Steve Scalise


Date: Sept. 18, 2020
Issues: Judicial Branch


Congressman, I know a lot of your colleagues in the House and Senate. You
know, we've heard so much chatter that is actually very unsettling. I
mentioned Hillary Clinton, but that's only one part of the equation. Under
no circumstances should -- should Joe Biden ever concede the race, reading
about these armies of attorneys that have been now sent to every swing
state in the country, beyond alarming, which creates a set of circumstances
that would be beyond chilling if we don't have a nine-member Supreme Court
at some time.

I don't really want to get too deep into that tonight, because it's a night
to honor the life, the legacy, the trailblazing legacy of Ruth Bader
Ginsburg, but -- there -- I thought Ted Cruz very articulately pointed out
that that could be a very serious concern.

REP. STEVE SCALISE (R-LA): Well, Sean, first, it's going to be with you,
and my thoughts and prayers are with the family of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I
think everybody has made the poignant comments about her life and her
legacy, and look, she left a dramatic impact on the court. She played a
powerful role on the court, we all know that.

She was also a tough lady, Sean, very tough -- battling cancer multiple
times, not just recently with pancreatic cancer, but she's had multiple
doubts. She would have chemo treatments and then still go back to the court
to serve as a jurist.

And so, you know, I think we have a lot of a tribute to pay to her as
you've mentioned, you know.

And then, unfortunately, this has been a year of so much chaos from what
we've seen with COVID, shut down of our country, our economy, deaths from
this disease all across the globe, to the civil unrest, to riots in the
streets, to now what you're seeing in so many states -- lawsuits being
filed where people with their own agenda trying to get judges to change
voting laws that have been debated for years, which could create a lot of
chaos in a number of swing states .

And then, yes, you don't want the backdrop of a 4-4 court with an uncertain
election at the same time.

So, you know, there's a lot --


SCALISE: -- already on our plate.

We first put our prayers with Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her family.

And, obviously, the president made I thought some very warm remarks as
well. But then, of course, ultimately, he's going to have an obligation
under the Constitution, Article II and Section 2 of the Constitution does
require that he fill vacancies on the court. That's something that every
president has done and --

HANNITY: Let me --

SCALISE: -- this president won't be any different.

